20 / 05 / 2022

Workshop: Anténa WORKS! – Sustainable operation of cultural spaces

Žilina-Záriečie Station
Anténa invites you to a workshop on how to transform (not only cultural) buildings into energy efficient and environmentally friendly ones. The workshop will be led by a trio of lecturers Martin Šichman, Juraj Hariš and Boris Meluš.

Registration: 9:30 am
Workshop: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Entrance fee: 20 Euro (free for Antena members, 50% discount for associates)
Station Žilina-Záriečie, Žilina

Workshop capacity: 25 people
Registration here: https://forms.gle/riqHo5tbcsE5pLRH6


How to operate cultural spaces in a way that has the lowest possible impact on the local and global environment? How to educate and motivate their users and communities to become an active part of them? How to handle sustainability in cultural venues and how to deal with setbacks in these efforts?

How to be aware of the impacts of our activities and make better choices about what we do (next time) different? What is behind the word sustainability and what do terms like circularity, biodiversity and regeneration stand for? Another from the series of practical workshops, this time on sustainable operation and improvement of physical spaces.

Martin Šichman
Architect and inventor dedicated to ecological architecture and energy. One of the basic principles of his work is that physical or natural processes lead the design of natural aesthetic qualities and more interesting spatial solutions. By incorporating physical processes into the functioning of buildings he thus seeks to improve the quality of the living environment and reduce negative ecological consequences. His activities include designing family houses, exhibiting and teaching. The search for sustainable solutions led him to the invention of the SPEARhydro shuttle hydroelectric power plant which he is currently developing at archee company and for which he was awarded the 2021 National Design Award in the New Horizons category. He studied alternately at the Faculty of Architecture of STU and at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava. Among his best-known projects are the Slamák family house on which he worked in the Oximoron studio or the Mobius pavilion which was part of his teaching activities at ARCHIP in Prague. He helps the Bratislava Cvernovka Foundation with the introduction of measures to reduce the energy consumption within the EkoBoard platform.

Juraj Hariš
Architect dedicated to the regenerative processes in the architecture as well as the involvement of communities and individuals in their operation and use. His credo is: "Everything can be recycled and regenerated. Everything. You just have to put in the effort and climb a tree to see where to walk before you hit the road." He graduated from STU's Faculty of Architecture in 2016. During and after the school, he worked in the architectural studio 2021. He co-founded the Hold Mushrooms platform in Nová Cvernovka, dedicated to urban mushroom farming with the aim of developing new materials based on mushroom mycelium. In 2020, together with his team, he won the Tatra Banka Foundation Award for Art in the Young Creator Category for the design and implementation of the community project Rubble for the Park - Jutomlat. The project was based on the local upcycling of construction rubble into the material rubblemlat, which was used for the implementation of water-resistant clay paths and walking areas in the Park under the Palm in the area of Nová Cvernovka. He comes from Brvniště near Považská Bystrica and currently works as a coordinator of development and environmental community activities in Nová Cvernovka.

Boris Meluš
Co-founder of the Cvernovka Foundation, formerly a designer working in communication and exhibition design and sustainable architecture in the Oximoron studio. In 2016, he won the National Award for Communication Design for editing Rudolf Sloboda's books. In addition to occasionally curating and organizing exhibitions (NCD 2020, volba2050.world, Dictate Brussels, Iron Velvet Scissors), he also briefly worked as a teacher (VŠVU). Currently, he works mainly as a cultural "developer" and manager at Nová Cvernovka. He is in charge of coordinating the long-term development of the Nová Cvernovka campus and, together with others, sets the strategic direction of the Cvernovka Foundation. He studied in Prague (UMPRUM), The Hague (KABK) and Bratislava (VŠVU). He has lived in Mexico and Norway.

The project was supported from public funds by the main partner - the Fund for the Support of Art.